Category Archives: random

Please tell me dreams DO come true…. (Wishes in pictures)

Mercedes Benz SLS AMG *swooning*


Grammy for one talented Black Porcelain


World Travels and Christmas in France


Loads of Joy and a puppy


Annnnd of course a wheelbarrow full of money 😀


Don’t know why I like this picture but I do.

So cool!

I have a new Hair – do

So I have new hair – do… Once I feel brave I shall ask young Caz to take a pic 😛

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Big Boody *peeep*; It’s soooo wrong!

It’s been a while since my last post… I wouldn’t even know where to start telling you about my stories. So we shall pretend like I never went away for 4 months (gosh has it been that long?) 

While I was working one night I stumbled upon a blog that had this video (see below), at first I didn’t know how to react needless to say after a few seconds I found myself rolling on the floor with laugher. I’m not sure whether it’s the “Accountant looking” guy who just breaks into dance or his screaming short friend.

I know that the lyrics of their song aren’t friendly but hopefully this will make you laugh too 🙂

Call me Ms Marcee Super Warrior

I once watched a manga series called Claymore (I wasnt into manga until I watched this series.) Anyway here’s the basic plot (Thanks to WIKIPEDIA)…

“In a world where humans coexist with sentient monsters called Yoma that feed on human innards, an organization has created an order of half-human, half-yoma warriors to protect humans from the yoma, for a large fee. The people of this world have dubbed these warriors “Claymores” based on their swords. They are also referred to as “Silver Eyed Witches”, based on their appearance and seemingly cold nature toward others. Each Claymore has a rank number which is based on their strength and ability. There are 47 ranks corresponding to the number of regions of the land/world.

A Claymore known as Clare saves a small town by killing a Yoma living there, and meets Raki, a boy whose parents were killed by the Yoma. Out of gratitude, Raki ends up following Clare from town to town during her Yoma-killing jobs. The two travel together until they are separated when Clare is forced to battle a sadistic Claymore named Ophelia. Before parting, Clare promises to find him if she survives. The story becomes a tale of revenge, as Clare seeks to confront someone from her past.”

After I watched this series, I began to think (weirder things have happened), Imagine we are all warriors, walking around with half monsters and these monsters are inside our minds…

How much of our Yomas or the monsters in our minds have taken over us? I mean think about it…

Everyone has fears or things that you say to yourself that aren’t completely true. How much of that ugly mental monster do you carry into conversations, decisions, who knows what else. When do we stop being our selves and start being what your mental monster tells you you are…

You know the little things you hear in your head like: I’m not intelligent ,I’m really not that talented, I will never find love, who am I to want to travel the world, I’m not skinny enough, blah blah blah….

I have had a rough week and it’s not even half way through and apart from my actual hardships, I (my ugly monster) have been telling myself the most atrocious things. Things that made me believe that my life is a waste. Then I had a moment of clarity; yes I’m going through a rough patch but my life could be worse. And in comparison to what is actually happening out there where people have no food, loved ones and homes. 

It could be worse, I could have no roof over my head, no food, no love but instead I am sitting on my bed sliding door open, I am loved and I’m on the internet ( a luxury for most).

My point is; yes my current situation isn’t ideal but I have been blowing it out of proportion and yes my Yoma (mental monster) has been in control. I think maybe I have been letting it run amock in my mind. Letting it traumatise me and those that I love… It’s always gonna be the here but I think I will use it for good this time, use it to fight the battles outside and not be a terror inside. I want to be a super warrior, use my Yoma to knock down doors, break through solid walls and carve my name in history books 🙂

Super warrior


Call me Ms Marcee the warrior

 How much of your Yoma is controlling you???

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