Category Archives: Art

Today is the day

We finally have a video for our first single! I hope you like it because we love it!

Chubby Eve

I’ve said this before; I love CrisVector! I think hes art is out of this world and it speaks to me. I always thought it was weird when art enthusiasts say ” Oh I love that piece, it speaks to me” BUT now I understand.

So I decided that I will blog a few of my favourite pieces like this one. Its called “Chubby Eve”. I think I like it because Chubby Eve kinda looks like me hee hee hee

Chubby Eve

Although I don’t think that Eve is chubby… What do you think?

Work; My joy!

I love my work but what I love more is seeing our (Caz and I) ideas come to life.

This is one of those moments! We have been working so hard to make sure that our promo packs were JUST RIGHT – Mission accomplished! I think we did a great job. We are a two woman team so we have to work extra hard (because we also have other things to do in this two woman show) to make sure that we get the desired results!

All of the people who we sent the packs too were most impressed! Wouldn’t you be if you got this from a singer?

I'm so happy ๐Ÿ˜€


Lately I have been feeling like there’s a great big shift happening inside me. My dad passed away a few years ago and ever since then I haven’t really been the same. But I have been feeling different lately, like I’m a changing becoming a better me ๐Ÿ˜€

This illustration describes my process perfectly.

Just by the way I love me some CrisVector… Caz’s brother introduced me to him and ever since I have been in love with his stuff.

Butterflies (DJ Zinhle) Remix

Butterflies “The Remix”

Black Porcelain released the EP that she recorded at the CT RedBull studios ๐Ÿ™‚

The EP is called “TheInbetween” and now she has just released the remix she did with DJ Zinhle for Butterflies called “Butterflies the DJ Zinhle Remix”.

Check it out and let me know what you think BUT I know you are going to love it. 13 countries (Australia, Italy, South Africa, Croatia, The Netherlands, The Philippines to mention a few) have already playlisted the song ๐Ÿ˜›

Understandably I as her manager am overjoyed! So take a listen… You’ll like it!


Goood Music…

Good Morning!

As you know I manage an amazing singer, her name is Black Porcelain.ย  She is currently finishing her album *cue crowd clapping*, it’s taken a while and there were a few stops.

After stopping and starting a few times, she found herself getting very frustrated. While she was a in the ‘stop phase’, she went into the RedBull Studios in Cape Town with a… Oh hell let her tell you –> the story.

All I have to say is she came came out with amazingย EP called ‘TheInBetween’… I know you will like it.

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